Thursday, September 21

One more time!

Ah! I have my last exam tommorow. Science you know, it is getting to me. Soon I will be suffering with a brain freeze. I feel like I am forgetting everything that I had done previously, so I feel that I need to revise everything again and again. Well! I am. Yup! Doing everything one more time and then more time and one more time till I sleep. I hope it is all worth it. I mean the last exam I need to do all that I can because after this is atleast 3 days of unadulterated fun, blogging, web designing, hanging out with my friends, gaming, and listening to funk music. So wish me luck for the exam man and go study for yours.

P.S.:Check out the (((WeFunk))) radio on iTunes under Urban. You can also check 'em out at

Monday, September 18

Windose Template

I was just wondering that Vivek always helps me out whenever I need something, when I wanna understand something or anything else. So I decided to give him a surprise by making a super-cool template for his blog. The blog is titled A Dose of Windose knowhow. The template that I made for him is totally inspired the the Windows XP user-interface. You know how a notepad file opens and you know thw sidebar when you open My Computer. Those are the places from where I have taken the idea of the template. You can check it out on Vivek's Blog

If you want you can also download the template for yourself. It is Internet Explorer 6 and FireFox 1.x complaint I dont know about Opera or Safari.

The question

Today was my mathematics examination. It went of ok, I wasn't able to do some question. But there was this one question which I had done correctly and most of the people of my class had done wrong. The question was

A student taking a test consisting of 10 questions in that each question after the first is worth 2 marks more than the preceding quesiotn. If the third question of the test is of 5 marks, what is the maximum score that the student can obtain by attempting only 8 questions?

Now this is the way that most of the people had solved it -

d=2 (Difference of marks)
a3=5 (Weightage of the third question)
Now, that a1=1 and d=2
The maximum marks that one can obtain will be S8. So they solved
Answer: 64 Marks

But the thing is that the question never said that the student attempted the first 8 questions. He attemtep any 8 questions. Now, we can say that who are we to determine which question he would have done. The fisrt 8 seems to be the obvious choice. But then again, the question has clearly asked what are the maximum marks one can get by attempting 8 questions. So the correct way to solve it would be -

d=2 (Difference of marks)
a3=5 (Weightage of the third question)
We will assume that he did the last 8 questions as it would fetch him the maximum marks. Thus thhe maximum marks would be-
Which is-
Answer: 96

Get it?

Sunday, September 17

Rajeev Bajaj - Geek Rythms

Rajeev Bajaj - Geek RythmsThis guy named Rajeev Baja who used to live in Delhi, passed out of BHU in 1989 and then done is Ph.D from University of Texas, is out to do something which is well quite unique, and according to me a bit freaky too. He says, that in the US the geeks are on one corner and all the hip students are on the other. So, to remove this gap he has produced a music album called Geek Rythms.

This album is Rap/Hip-Hop and the lyrics are related to science or computers in some way. Some of the songs are -

  • Free Energy

  • Enjoy the Ride

  • Metamorphisis

  • Geek Dreams

  • Mr. Mechanical

He has been successful in selling around 2000 CD's which is a good number. You can check out a sample of Enjoy the Ride at the IEEE Spectrum website. You can buy the whole album from the iTune's Music Store. You can also check out his blog.

Saturday, September 16


Arizona: A 22-year old woman was arrested after authorities said that she tried to hire someone to kill another woman whose photo appeared on her boyfriend's web page

Heather Michelle Kane was booked on Tuesday for incestigation of conspiracy to commit murder, Mesa detective Jery Gissel said.

Kane was arrested after she met with an undercover police detective at a grocery store, authorities said. Court records show Kane offered to pay 1000$, to have the woman killed - 500$ up front and $500 after the job was completed.
The records say Kane gave the undercover officer photographs taken from her boyfriend's social networking Web page of the woman she wanted killed

She also requested of the womans's dead body, he added

It wasn't clear if the boyfriend and the targeted woman were romantically involved, Gissel said further

Copyright: AP

Friday, September 15

Game On!!

The XBOX 360's release has been one of the most awaited event in India for gamers. Rumours are that the Platinum System will be realeased somwhere near Deewali(Late October). Microsoft has collaborated with the MTV networks to promote the XBOX 360. I saw an advertisement of the XBOX on MTV yesterday and today I finally found it on YouTube. It is nice so .... enjoy -

If you want more details on when Microsoft will be relasing the XBOX 360 in India they can check out the following link.

Microsoft releases Zune

While surfing through television channels I saw on CNN in the marquee display at the bottom of the screen that, "Microsot has relased Zune the new Media Player". So I though that I must blog about it as fast as I can.

Microsoft Corp.'s effort to compete against Apple's iPod juggernaut will focus on the idea that people want to be able to easily share music with friends and others.

The software maker said Thursday that its portable Zune media player, scheduled to be available around the holiday season, will include wireless technology to let people share some of their favorite songs, playlists or pictures with other Zune users who are close by.

Those users can listen to the songs three times over three days before deciding whether to purchase it themselves.

"The idea is to legitimize peer-to-peer sharing in a healthy way that works for everybody," said J Allard, a Microsoft vice president in charge of the Zune product line.

Microsoft said the song-sharing capability will be available for most songs available through its forthcoming Zune Marketplace service, although some music publishers won't allow it.

Also, for now at least, users will not be able to buy the songs directly through the device. Instead, they can flag the song and purchase it next time they connect the device to a computer and access the online music store.

Analyst Ted Schadler with Forrester Research said he thinks Microsoft has assembled a strong product with many features Apple's iPod has, and some -- such as the wireless feature -- that it doesn't.

Still, he questioned whether music-sharing would be enough of a draw to get people to switch allegiances.

"I'm not going to change my mind about which product I own for that feature," he said.

The company did not disclose pricing or a specific launch date for the first Zune player. The device, to be made by Toshiba Corp., will have 30 gigabytes of memory (enough to hold about 7,500 songs), a 3-inch screen and a built-in FM tuner. It also will come loaded with about 25 songs or other pieces of content.

Allard said the device is based on Toshiba's Gigabeat handheld music player, but customized to include such things as the wireless capabilities.

Flat Fee

Microsoft's Zune Marketplace music service, designed to compete with Apple Computer Inc.'s iTunes store, will let users buy songs individually or listen to unlimited tracks for a flat subscription fee.

Analyst Phil Leigh with Inside Digital Media said he thinks Microsoft may be able to gain an edge by offering a subscription service. Other companies offer such unlimited plans, but Apple doesn't.

Still, Leigh thinks Microsoft will be hindered by having just one high-end device available at the beginning, while Apple has a broad product line to appeal to a wide variety of users.

"The way to be competitive here would be come in with some choices, instead of just one product," he said.

Allard said the company does eventually plan to offer more devices and features. "We think of the Zune platform and the movement here to be more than the device," he said.

Microsoft has said that Zune is key to staying competitive, but will cost millions of dollars and not pay off immediately.

Other hardware manufacturers, including Creative Technology Ltd. and Samsung Electronics Co., already offer portable media players using Microsoft's software, although they've had limited success against Apple


Wednesday, September 13

The new iPod

I have lost it. Check this out people. Apple has just launched a new range of iPod. They look completely different and they are approximately the same price as the old ones. Let us take a look at them one at a time. And Apple released a new version of iTunes today.

iPod Shuffle

You know what they say about good things and small packages. But when something 1.62 inches long and about half an ounce holds up to 240 songs, “good” and “small” don’t quite cut it. Especially when you can listen to your music for up to 12 continuous hours.(2) In fact, iPod shuffle just may be the biggest thing in small

Ready to wear
Clip it to your coin pocket. Clip it to your bag. No matter where you clip your skip-free iPod shuffle, you’ll have instant access to music. And iPod shuffle’s anodized aluminum enclosure goes with absolutely everything. Put it on, turn it up, and turn some heads.

Sync to fit

The first step to wearing 240 songs on your iPod shuffle is downloading iTunes — free. Then you can download 99¢ songs from the iTunes Store or import music from your CDs. When it’s time to sync, plug the included dock into your Mac or PC’s USB port and transfer your music from iTunes just by docking iPod shuffle.

iPod Nano

Look like a rockstar
Your music says a lot about you. So should your iPod nano. A super-slim design says you always have room for music — up to 2,000 songs, in fact. Durable anodized aluminum says you won’t let the rough and tumble of everyday life ruin your groove. And one of five colors says whatever you want. Choose your hue and make a statement.

8 GB

Choose a 2GB, 4GB, or 8GB iPod nano and add a soundtrack to your life. Just use iTunes to import your CDs, shop for 99¢ songs on the iTunes Store, then sync them to iPod nano. Possibly the world’s coolest photo album, iPod nano holds up to 25,000 snapshots.(2) iPod nano plays audiobooks and podcasts from the iTunes Store, too.


Play more encores
Imagine what you could do in a day. Fly around the world. Watch two sunsets. Listen to your iPod nano. Up to 24 hours of battery life(3) means the hits just keep on coming. Whether you’re exercising, commuting, or rocking a road trip, iPod nano may just outplay you.

Also now iPod is also available in 80GB and the 60GB model is now officially obsolete.


Hi guys! Today I am trying out a new breakfast before school after 11 years of my (school)the past 11 years I have always eaten one cup of corn flakes, halfa a cup of tea, and 2 bread slices. Today I am gonna replace the tea with toast. I will tell you how my day went after this change.

Monday, September 11

Julius Caesar

Q1) What did Calpurnia dream?
Ans) Calpurnia dreamt that Caesar's statue was sprouting out
blood from various open wounds. is her sleep, she shouted thrice,
"Help Ho! They murder Caesar!". However, Decius Brutus says
that Calpurnia has interpretted the dream incorrectly and it is actually a
very good omen. According to him the dream actually means, that the Romans are
purifying themselves from the blood of Caesar.

Q2) When and Why does Caesar say, "Et tu

Ans) Caesar says these last words, "Et tu
" when he sees that his friend along with the other conspirators
are stabbing him. When he sees that is friend Brutus has betrayed him, his
sadness leaves him speechless. Brutus and the other conspirators thought that
Caesar was becoming too ambitious and that this will cause damage to the
democratic system of Rome. Even though Brutus loved Caesar his love for Rome
was greater so he killed him.

Q3) What conditions did Brutus impose on Antony?
Ans) Brutus imposed certain conditions on Antony. He said that
Brutus would go first and then only will Antony come and speak. He also said
that when he praises Caesar, he would praise him only after saying that Brutus
is allowing him to praise Caesar. He will not say anything that will
emotionally raise the crowd. But Antony bieng a great orator, twisted his
words and was successfully able to entince the emotions of the mob.

Q4) What prediction did Antony make regarding the future of

Ans) Antony predicted that after Julius Caesar's death there
will be a lot o f violence all across Italy. This violence will eventually
turn into a civil war. Mothers would become emotionless as there would be so
much killing, that they will not be able to care about the death of there
sons. At this time of violence, Caesar's spirit would return with Goddess Ate
by his side and seek revenge for his murder. The large number of dead men
would be moaning and groaning for there burial but there won't be enough
graves to bury them it.

RTC I. "Cowards die
.......................................................... will

a) Whom is Caesar speaking to? Why does he say these

Caesar is saying these words to Calpurnia - his wife. He says
that he will die when he is meant to die. By these lines he meant that cowards
dies many time before there death, but the brave are tested by death ony once
and are not afraid to die.

b) What fears does the listener expressed?
The listener Calpurnia is fearful of her dream of Caesar's
statue sprouting out blood through many open wounds. This dream actually comes
true as Caesar is killed by Brutus and all the other conspirators,

RTC II. "But here's
.......................................................... Caesar's

a) Who speaks these words? Where is the speaker when he says
these words?

Antony says these words while addressing the mob. He says this
during Caesar's funeral. He shows the crowd the mantle which has so many holes
to entice them emotionally.

b) What are the contents of Caesar's will that he is
referring to?

Antony, using his oratory skills to tell the mob that Caesar
was a large-hearted man and was not ambitious. This he proves by reading
Caesar's will that says - that every Roman would get 75 drachmas or silver
coins, also all the gardens, orchards and arbours are open for all the people
for recreation, and not only for this generation but for the generations to

c) Why does the speake read Caesar's will to the

Antony reads the will to the citizens as he want to tell them
that Caesar was and honest and kind man and that he was killed wrongly. He
wanted to prove that Caesar was not ambitious but was actually large-hearted.
He proved so by reading his will that promised each and every Roman 75
drachmas that is silver coins. Also all his newly-planted orchards, garden,
arbours etc. would be give to the public for recreation and that too not only
for this generation but for the generations to come.

d) What is the reaction of the listeners to the reading of
the will?

Ans) when the mod heard the will of Caesat and how he had given
everything to the public, they realized that Caesar was a true and honest man.
They decided that they would avenge his death by burning down the houses of
all the conspirators and by killin each and every one of them to avenge his

Night of the Scorpion

RTC I. "Ten hours
................................................ in dark room"

a) Who does 'he' refer to in these lines?
'He' in these lines is the scorpion who has enterded the house
because of steady rain outside.

b) Why did 'he' come inside? Where did 'he' hide?
The scorpion or the 'Evil One' entered the house because of
stead and heavy rain outside. It found a large stack of rice to hide

c) Why does the poet refer to the tail as

He refered to the tail as 'diabolic' as the tail contained the
poison that entered the blood stream of the poet's mother. Thus, the poet says
that his tail is an act of the devil as it has caused so much suffering and
grief to the mother

RTC II. "My father
............................................... match to it"

a) What kind of a person is the father?
The father is a rationalist and a skeptic and does not believe
in the power of religion. He solves all the problems on the basis of pure

b) Do you think his behaviour was keeping with his nature
and beliefs? Why/Why not?

Although, his father was a rationalist and a skeptic, he was
forced to try out various rituals, curses, blessings etc. by priests. He was
so desperate to cure his wife that he forgot his rationalism and went for the
original way in the village to cure the mother

c) Explain the term 'hybrid'
A hybrid is an amalgam of different prayers and hymns of all
the different cultures. His fasther wanted to use every method that was
possible for curing his wife.

The Frog and the Nightingale

RTC I. "That's not ................................. can supply"

a) Who is the frog speaking to?

The frog is speaking to the nightingale. The nightingale has impressed and won the hearts of everyone in the Bingle Bog by her melodious voice.

b) What has the listener have to say when the frog said that it is "not too much to boast about"?

The nightingale says that she knows that her songs is not divine but it is original. At this the frog says that bieng original is "not too much to boast about".

c) Why is the frog so heartless?

The frog is very dismissive as he did not want to rival against the nightingale. He wanted to show the nightingale that he was not impressed at all and was highly dismissive.

RTC II. "Dearest frog ............................................... you'll see"

a) What light do these lines throw on the bird's character?

These lines show us that the bird was first startled by the frog's croak, later gets impressed by his boasting and the way he boasted and told her about his famous baritone. The bird got impressed immidiately and said that he was Mozart who had come to Earth in front of her eyes to teach him.

b) What did the frog say to impress the nightingale?

The frog started out by telling the bird about his famous baritone voice. He also said that he used to wirte songs for the "Bog Trumpet" that is an imaginary magazine. When the bird asked the frog for training he asked for some fees not because he wanted the money but because he wanted to prove the authenticity and the quality of his training.

c) Why do you think the frog was charging a fees?

The frog was charging a fee not because he wanted the money but because he wanted to make a tuitions sound more authentic. He only wanted the bird to know that he was a powerful frog that could turn a beginner into a winner

RTC III. "With a .................................................... and bitter"

a) Why is there reference to a titled crowd? What do these names suggest?

The referenced to the names are actually real. The "Duck of Kent" was actually the "Duke of Kent". The "MyLord and MyLady Trent" were "Mallord and Milady Trent" etc. These names are actaully the names of the people who are highly ranked in England. The poet has added theses names to the rhyming shemes, to make the poem more intersesting. Also, it shows that the crowd was rich and elite.

b) Why was the frog's feeling been called both "bitter and sweet"?

The frog was happy that after his training there had been improvements in the performance of the bird. Thus, more people were coming to the show and thus he was getting more money at the ticket counter. The frog was sad as well as he wanted to be the one to be on the stage and be performing. He wanted to be famous thus his feelings were both, "bitter and sweet".

RTC IV. " Every day .................................... last night"

a) What is meant by, "who sold her songs for silver"?

The frog who charged fee realized that she had to pay him back. So, he charged on entry from the animals. This way, he earned money from her show and thus, he "sold her songs for silver".

b) Why does the frog says, "Till your voice, like mine grow stronger"?

The frog was realizing that she was becoming competetion from him and that he has to remove her from his way. So, he keeps the training the bird beyond her limits in harsh conditions. This would make her voice loud and strong. Hence no one would like her anymore.

c) How does the traingin affect the bird?

Due to the the harsh conditions in which the frog trained the bird, she got more sorrowful and pale and tired after each day. That bird one nigh killed hersell by puffing up and bursting a vien.

RTC V. "Now the ............................................... your passion"

a) Why was te frog so angry with the bird?

When the nightingale started singing shrilly, the animals got tired of ther and left. Hence, the money stated to lessen and this made the frog extremely angry.

b) What did he ask tthe nightingale to do?

The forg ordered the nightingale to use her wits and try to do something entertaining for the audience.

c) How did the bird react to this suggestion?

The birdf was trembling and she was terrified. She tried to puff up her wings but she actually burst a vien and died.

RTC VI. "Till the. .................................. no delight"

a) How do these lines serve contaridictory to what the bird fel earlier?

In the beginning of the poem, we see that the bird who was quite unused to the applause she recieved after sining, completely heartbroken and in pain when her voice lost the beauty that it had earlier. Her ears were now addicted to the applause of the audience. This is the contradiction which the poet brings about in his poem.

b) How was the frog affected when the bird's song become so uninspired?

When the beasts grew tired of the nightingale's songs, they stopped coming to see her. As a result, the thicket office crashed and the frog got no money. AS a result he was angry at the the bird as her bad singing hadd affected him financially.

c) What is the significance of te last two lines?

The last two likes are again a contradiction. in the beginning of the poem, the nightingale and was shocked when the whole bog began clapping for her after she finished her song. Before this, she was used to sing to herself and not care about others. Now, the bird feld extremely lonely when she sang to herself. When her voice became shrill. This is the contradiction that the poem that the poet has tried to bring about in the poem.

The Tribute

Q1) Why has the story been given the title "The

Ans) "Tribute" means something done to show
respect and to recognize someone's services and sacrifices. In this story
Babuli's brother hass been shows as a man with character. He is an embodiment
of sacrficie and services. He always extended fatherly love and affection
towards Babuli. During his visit to the village, on the ocassion of the
partition, Babuli ultimately realizes that he had ignored his family for such
a long time and had not fullfilled his duties towards his family for long
enough. Thus, he gifts the and of his share to his elder brother to show his
love and affection. It is the "Tribute" by one who is not thankless
but indebted to his elder brother. Therefore the tittle is fully

Q2) Describe Babuli's feelings:
a) When he reads his elder brother's letter
When he read his brothers letter he shrank within himself for
not writing to his family for such a long time. He was feeling guily for
showing negligence toward his mother and elder brother. He felt the he was not
fullfilling his duties towards his family.

b) After litening to his wife's plans about his share of

After litening to his wife's plans about his share of property,
he felt like, "a helpless and innocent lamb that was soon to be
slaughtered by the butcher, who gave him the promise of a better life after
". This meant that the butcher was about to use his knife to
partition the home. Babuli would be able to get a better life after this
partition if he sold the piece of land that we would get after the

c) When he thought of home
When he thought of home he remembered how he used the feel
earlier and now. When he was younger home was a synonym to protection, there
was a feeling of warmth, he used to feel secure in his home. Now this feeling
of warmth had gone away. He did not need the security and the protection of
this home as now he had his own home.

Q3) Mention the characteristics of
a) Babuli's elder brother
Hard Working: His brother worrked very hard to get a
good harvest in the fields

Self satisfied: His brother was always self-sacrificing.
He never asked for anything in lieu for what he had done for Babuli.

Responsible: He took the full responsibilty of the
family after the death of the father

Generous: He would tell his wife to prepare a delicious
dish for Babuli, even when thecatch was scanty

Kind Hearted: He took the briefcase from Babuli's hand
when he reached the village on the bus.

Dispassionate: He never attached himself emotionally to
any event and sincerely attended to his duty.

b) The second brother
Greedy: He wanted more in his share and would not agree
for anything else

Adamant: He refused to change his mind about the

Clever: He knew that Babuli will not need the piece of
land and thus offered to my his share too for 18,00 rupees

c) Babuli's Wife
Practical: She made a list of items that were required
by the family, and also said that she will keep some amount in the back

Suspicious: She could not trust anyone. She told Babuli
to hand over the monjey that he gets by selling the land straight to her. She
could not trust him in money matters

Unperturbed: She was not at all disturbed by the fact
that the partition is going to happen. It was like she already knew that it
was about to happen.

Sorry guys...

Sorry guys but I will be posting the notes of all of the English chapter. That is because I want to keep a copy of it on the web so that even if I do lose the hard copy and my hard disk crashes I would still have them. I have also kept an exclusive copy for myself on Writely as well.


While trying to open my blog I got a very dirty error from the Google servers. So I decided to open the well know "about:blank" and then decided to try and open the blog again. Instead of writing "about:blank" I accidentally wrote "about:black". I was amazed when I saw the words "black" writeen in the window. So I opened the source code and checked out what was happening. The code was -


So I decided to fiddle a little more. I wrote down "about:" and the title of the window actually changed to "You are". So it was clear that it was executing any HTML code that I was writing there. It even executed stuff like H1 and MARQUEE. I think I will me able to execute STYLE as well. If yes then we might be able to make instantly loading static web pages that will take time only to load the images. Though they will only work on Internet Explorer probably version 6 only it would be great.

Class IX: Fundamental Right and Duties

These are my class 9th notes and as the exams are approaching I thought it might be of some use to the ninethees

Q1: Write the significance of fundamental rights and duties?
i) Fundamental right are basic or fundamental rights. every human being has the right to enjoy these rights.
ii) These rights are guaranteed in the constitution. every citizen in a democratic country needs these right in order to grow as a balanced and responsible citizen.
iii) A citizen has the right to go to the court of law if he/she is denied these rights.

Q2: Explain "Right To Equality".

Ans: Right to equality (article 14 - 18) contains the following provisions:
i) EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW- any citizen of India committing crime will be punished according to the law and no one can be discriminated on the basis of caste, race, language, sex or religion.
ii) The state cannot discriminate any one in matters of employment.
iii) Every citizen will be provided equal opportunities and use public facilities like means of transport, parks or places of entertainment.
iv) This right abolishes untouchability.
v) The constitution has abolished titles except military and academic ones.

Q3: "Right to freedom is a cluster of freedoms". Elaborate.
Right to freedom is actually a cluster of the following six freedoms:
i) Right to speech and expression.
ii) Right to assemble peacefully and without arms.
iii) Right to form associations or unions.
iv) The right to move freely throughout the territory of India.
v) The right to reside in and settle in any part of the territory of India.
vi) The right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business.

Q4: What is meant by preventive detention. Explain.
i) Preventive detention means that if the government feels that a person being at liberty is a threat to the law and order or to the unity and integrity of the nation, it can detain that person to prevent him/her from possible harm.
ii) The government can extend the preventive detention for 3 months.
iii) After 3 months such a case is brought before an advisory board for review.

Q5: Mention any two exceptions under right to equality. Do you think they violate the principle of equality?
The right to equality contains some exceptional provisions which are :
i) Reserve posts are provided for schedule castes, schedule tribes and other backward classes.
ii) Special provisions are provided for women and children special provisions under the right to equality are meant to remove the inequalities in the society. These provisions are aimed at bringing the under privileged population at par with the rest of the society. They don't violate or contradict the right to equality.

Q6: Explain right against exploitation. What is the objective behind this right?
i) The right against exploitation abolishes forced or bonded labor. As per constitution no one can be forced to do work without giving him/her salary.
ii) Constitution also abolishes child labor. It forbids the employment of children below 14 years in dangerous jobs like in factories and mines.

Q7: Explain the right to freedom of religion.
i) Right to freedom of religion provides religious freedom to all citizens of India. Citizens are free to practice their respective religions.
ii) All religions are equal before the state and no religion will be given preference over the other.
iii) No state run institution can give religious education.
iv) Religious communities can set up charitable institution of their own.

Q8: Explain cultural and educational rights.
i) Any community, which has language and a script of its own, has the right to conserve and develop them. No citizen can be discriminated against for admission in state run or state aided institution because of religion or language.
ii) All minorities, religious or linguistic, can set up their own educational institutions. In doing so they preserve and develop their culture.

Q9:"Right to constitutional rights is the back bone of our fundamental rights." Justify.
"Right to constitutional remedies is a very special right." Comment,
i) Right to constitutional remedies is a very special right, which protects all other fundamental rights granted by the constitution to all the citizens.
ii) The judiciary acts as a guard against violation of the fundamental rights by the government. Every citizen has the right to go tot the court if his/her rights are taken away or violated.
iii) During emergency this right is suspended by the government

Today's exam...

As you know I had my SSt. exam today. It went of pretty well. There was only one question that I did not know at all. It was -

"A very notable contribution of the Turks was in the field of historical literature." Name any two books in Persian alongwith their authors.

I have know idea whatsoever what the answer of this question is so I have written the name of the only two books that I knew that is-

  1. Ain-i-Akbar-

  2. Fatwa-i-Jahangir

I hope I get atleas one mark out of this question. It was of 2 marks only so it is not much of a problem if it was incorrect either.

Studyin till late night...

I has been after a very long time that I am studying till so late in night i.e. 1:05 in the night. I used to be awake till very late till an year back but in my class 10th summer vacations I got used to sleeping early and then waking up at like 4:00 AM to study. But, now that the exams are here I will have to sleep late and wake up early. Probably I will sleep in the afternoon so that I dont miss out on my precious sleep. I am doing "Indian Awakening" right now and after that I plan to do "Agriculture" and "Forest and Water Resources" and then if I am able to keep my self awake I will do some Civics as well.

Sunday, September 10

Best of Luck

The mid-terms of Apeejay, NOIDA are starting on 11th September and so I would like to wish all the readers of the blog who are in my school, "All the Best!". I am pretty sure you will need all the luck possible because you bieng the fool that you are, are not studying for tommorow's exam but are reading my blog. But now that you are here -


Saturday, September 9

How to achieve rote learning?

During this pre exam period I talked to a lot of people who get really good(or bad) marks in class, how they learn up everything before the exams write it down everything correctly in the exams and then completely forgetting about it. Here are the view of the experts on rote learning-

I. Ajaypath Jain

When I first asked him how he was learning all the stuff up like a machine his respond was that he pays a lot of attention in class and he is able to retain a lot of it this he does not need to learn up a lot of stuff. Then I provided him with a hypothetical situation in which he had missed the History class due to a computer symposium(ya right!), what would he do then to learn up the stuff. He said -

Abbey ek baar paragraph ko padh phir apne mun mein uski ek summary see bunaley aur phir sey uss paragraph ko padh....baass

In english this translates to, "Man! Read the paragraph once then make a summary of that paragraph in your mind and then read the paragraph again. Thats it!". I tried this was but found it to be completely useless as I forgot everything that I had done in the starting till I finished the chapter. But then again the capacity of my brain is less than that of sparrow.

II. Pooja Saxena

Yeah ! You guessed it this is my sister and unfortunately for me she too got really good marks in all her exams. So,I though that I would ask her what her trick was. Her prompt reply was -

Padho phir lihko phir padho phir lihko phir padho phir lihko phir padho phir lihko phir padho phir lihko phir padho phir

Its english translation would be, "Read then write then read then write then read then write". Great going sis! This method is really great if you start studying a long time before the exams. I mean it is for the people who actually believe in regular studies. But for those of us who start like a week before the exams it can be really time consuming.

III. Sanya Kapur

While trying to prepare for the SSt. exams I called her up for some advice on learning up stuff. Even though she is still in class ninth she got a staggering 98% in class eighth. Here is what she had to say when I asked her what she does to learn up history-

Waise I really like history, coz are history teacher is really nice....but when i need to learn up stuff I just read it 3-4 times.....sachchi....mumma sey puchna hai tujhko???

English, "Well! I really like History cause our teacher is really great. But when I do have to learn up stuff I just read the content 3-4 times....Really .... you wanna ask my mom??". Good idea! But again I dont remembmer what I had learned through this method even an hour ago. Sorry!

IV. Prateek Saxena

Okay so I dont get good marks in class now but I did get really good marks like 87's in class eighth so here is how I learn up stuff right before the exams. Close the room, dont put any music, read a single line carefully, close the book repeat the line in your brain. Then go to the next line and then to the next. Once completed the whole paragraph revise it in your brain. That is it! You can remember stuff that you learn from this technique for 3-4 days which is more that enough before the exams.

I hope this has been useful to you! If you have some other way of remembering stuff do tell me.

Travis Pastrana: Double Back Flip

X GamesI dont follow the X-Games much but when I do see it on Television I really like to see it and appreciate the great skills of these guys. I mainly watch BMX and SkateBoard both vert and street. But a few days back I saw "Moto X: Best Trick". It was the first time I was ever seeing that event. Some of the trick that I really liked was that of William Blake and ofcource Travis Pastrana's double blackflip which has only been done the second time in competetion and he got a nearly perfect score of 98.60! Here is a video of Travis Pastrana's double backflip and the celebrations that followed it :

Phight Pishing!

Yahoo Mail has come up with a brand new way to protect its users from phishing attacks. It will help all Yahoo users to be able to diffrentiate the genuine Yahoo Mail from fake ones. When you open Yahoo Mail you will be allowed to create a custom seal that will be displayed on that page. Something similar to the image that I have posted. Sometime when you are signing on to Yahoo you will see a flap at the same position where "Welcome Prateek Saxena" is written which would say "Password Protection". Just click on that and you will be allowed to choose either an image or text of 21 characters that is 7 characters in each line and a color of your choice. Once you have chosen the color and text it will save this badge and will dislay it evertime you open Yahoo Mail on that computer.

NOTE: This will only apply to your computer as Yahoo will place a cookie on your computer's hard disk. You wont be able to see this while accessing Yahoo Mail while on some other machine

Friday, September 8


Artist: Frederick Deligne

Search Engines and Statistics

Finally search engines have indexed my and the great Google has cached me on 31 August, before that it had chached me on 21 August so one can say that it is coming back after ever 10 days. This might be because the URL that I had taken from the blog, you know the .CO.NR had a minimum follow back time of 10 days. So maybe that is why they are coming back after a long time span of 10 days. But even after that the results seem to be very good. The only problem is that it is still showing my old blog. When you try to open it in FireFoz it looks really bad and does not have the latest posts. But if you see what Google has cached that is my new blog. Some of the search terms are -

  1. Computer Symposiums
  2. tokyo @gol @yahoo @hotmail
  3. prateek saxena blog
  4. dps noida espice
Great isn't it? The only problem is that the number of hits that I get in one day go drastically down and drastically up depending upon the fact whether I have blogged that day or not. Check this out-

I did not blog on Sunday, Monday and Thursday. I have put this post in the afternoon of Friday and still I have got more hits that Thursday. I would really like it if I would get like 40 hits everyday. Ah! And did I tell you there will be a very grand celebration when I get a total of 1000 hits on my blog. Right now it is like 814 so keep coming. Also I will drill down to find the 1000th visitor and will put a post dedicated to him/her. I hope they see it and get back to me. I will be fully back on 22 Sept. Till then you can expect a few small posts.

Wednesday, September 6

Song Tracks for Movie

I have decided all the song tracks that I will be putting in the movie. In the starting of the movie when Siddhant calls me I will play Cho Large by Teriyaki Boyz. When Varun and I are hacking the server I am thinking of playing either Act a Fool by Ludacris or the soundtrack or Gone in 60 Seconds. When Siddhant and Apoorva are hitting me and Varun I was thinking of playing Watch Your Back which was in the movie 2 Fast 2 Furious. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Tuesday, September 5

I need SP2

Today I feel that I need Windows XP's Service Pack 2 CD more that I ever did in my life. Evne more than the time of this post. It is not actually the problem of the CD. I think the problem is in the OS. I downloaded Service Pack 2 from some website and a file was corrupt. I downloaded Service Pack 2 from the Windows website and a file was corrupt. I got the CD of SP2 from my dad's office and the file was corrupt yet again. So even if Bill Gates persoanlly give me the Service Pack 2 CD most likely some or the other file will be corrupt.

If I had SP2 I would be able to install Windows Movie Maker 2.1 on my computer and I wont have to wake up at 4:00 in the morning just to complete the movie which by the way is coming out to be pretty well.

I have to go off to sleep now. I am not sure if I will work early morning or late in the evening. Wish Me luck. Good Night.

The right convertor

After searching for half a week, I have finally found the correct software that would be able to convert by DVD files that are - .VOB, .BUF, .IFO into an MPEG-4 or AVI. The name of the software is "ImTOO DVD Ripper 2.0". It takes your .VOB file and convert them to .MPG. And the great thing about it is that it maintains the high resolution, quality, sound etc. I love it. It does not take too much time in converting either. You can donwload this software by clicking at this link. You can also check out other converting softwares at the following website.

New Journey: Movie Making

While (still)trying to edit the movie for eSpice, I have learnt a lot of things about codes the correct convertors and movie making softwares. So I have decided that I will post stuff about movie making as and when I learn them. I dont know much right now, but I will be trying to edit that movie the whole night today so you can expect a post in a few hours. Wish me Luck!!

I had a Bad Day

Yesterday was one of the worst days that I have ever has in my life. Everything went wrong. Only one thing yes just one thing happend that made me kinda happy. Here is how the day unfolded -

In the morning I woke up late and was very late in reaching the bus stop. Fortunately the bus was late too. But it was so late that we had to stand on the bus stop for very long time.

On the bus stop I was an accident between a cyclist and a Hyundai Accent. It happened right in from of me. The cyclist was ina huryy to cross the road and even though he was the car coming he still tried to cross. The Accent was on a normal speed of say 50kmph and applied full brakes as he saw the cyclist crossing, one can see the marks on the road. But even though he tried the best he still hit the back wheel of the cyclist and I think the cyclist go badly hurt. I could not see anything after that as the bus came.

In school I started eeling feverish but still had to go to the code lab to do the movie making job and to install Linux on one of the PC's that had crashed. I had to sit in the lab through the whole recess and all my friends ate my lunch.

During the Physics period I kind of dozed of in class as I had fever. I suddenly heard someone calling my name out loud which was the Physics teacher. Fortunately, the people sitting next to me told me the question and I anwered it correctly.

By the time I reached home I had a fever of about 100ÂșC, and started to get the feeling that my whole body is going to swell up(funny isnt it, well it is NOT!). So I did not eat anything and went of to sleep.

When I woke up one nice thing and one very bad thing happened. The good thing was that I recieved a cheque of Rs.2300(Thank You Vivek!) and the bad thing that happened was that my whole face got swollen up. My lips had doudled in size.

By 8 o'clock I had lost my ablity to speak anything. And I also got really really really painful chest pains. They were really unbearable. It was pretty sure at that time that I would not be able to go to school today.

Right now I am sitting in front of the computer blogging after 2 or 3 days. I haven't gone to school so I am missing the much awaited teacher's day celebration. My swelling has reduced. And chances are that I will not be able to go to eSpice as well.

Sunday, September 3

Who has "prateek-myplace"??

As you would remember that earlier this blog used to have the URL When I took this new domain( I thought that I would get the older domain as well and Edit its HTML to make a very simple redirector to the new URL using JavaScript. But when I started to register "prateek-myplace" again it told me that this domain is not available. That was impossible cause no one could have taken that particular domain in just 25 seconds. So, I thought that I will check out who has the URL now. And guess what. When I open it is my blog but with the old template and the last post is "Songs" in which I had posted the names of the songs or 2 Fast 2 Furious. I think this is the last post that I had put before switching to Blogger BETA. Now, no one except maybe the Blogger Server administrator has control on that blog. If you view my profile from that old blog you dont even see the CODE blog that I made a few days back that one can see on "xortrox"'s profile. I have no idea what I will do now. I cant even put a post on that blog that I have shifted or something. All my reader will go to that blog and will fine nothing. What should I do?

New Search Eninge Stratery!

After changing the URL of my blog from "" to "" I was thinking of adopting a new Search Engine Stratergy. Earlier I used to add my URL to Google, MSN and Yahoo once in a month. Google has last cached me on 21 August and that is really bad. The new idea that I have thought of my might consume an extra 5 minutes after I publish every post but will most probably be worth it. After publishsing each post I will immediatel add there URL's to Google, MSN and Yahoo. Google will crawl the website in one week, MSN will crawl my nlog in a day or two and Yahoo might scheck it out after a month or so. But every single time you search something the chances of my blog coming up will sort of come up. I will try this for around 6 months. If it dos not work out I will change my stratery.

Saturday, September 2

Google Talk & Skype?

Google Talk's got a new gig. Google and eBay have signed an agreement around text-based advertising and "click-to-call" advertising, in which Google Talk and Skype will power voice calls between customers and merchants. (Read the full press release here.)

New Google Talk version

Source : Google Talkabout

Hooray! The new Google Talk features (file sharing, voicemail, and music status) have completed testing and are now available to everyone. Just use Google Talk normally, and it will auto-update to the new version over the next few days. If you just can't wait, you can download the new version directly. Each of the new features will be discussed here shortly, but I'm going to cover file transfer.

File and photo sharing in Google Talk works like you'd expect: Simple, fast, and fun. Simplicity means that you can drag and drop one or more files directly onto a chat window. As soon as your friend clicks 'Accept', the bits will start flowing. When the transfer completes, the recipient can open the file or find it on disk with a single click.

File transfer is fast. Google Talk makes a direct connection to your friend's computer whenever possible, enabling the fastest speed available. And even if your super-secure firewall won't allow a direct connection, we'll still get it there at a decent speed, because we're nice like that.

Photo sharing is fun! When you drop up to 10 photos on Google Talk, smaller previews automatically appear right inside the chat window, so you can chat about them right away. The previews adjust to the size of your chat window, so just enlarge the window when you want to see more detail. To view the images at full size, or
to save them for later, click the 'Download Originals' link.

P.S. Sharing folders works, too! Drop a folder onto Google Talk to share all of the directory's contents (including any subdirectories). It's an easy way to send a whole bunch of files to a friend.

Mobile: A Weapon of Mass Distraction

I was thinking of buying a mobile phone for a very long time. I am gonna get a payment of Rs.2200 on Monday or Tuesday thus I have enough money to buy a cell phone. But, yesterday when I was about to go off to sleep I realized that if I do get a mobile phone then it will cause distraction because of the SMS's, games, phone calls etc. And at the time of examinations I do not want yet another thing to be around me that would be able to cause any type of distraction. Also, in case of mobile phone the expenditure is not one time and I will have to pay the bill every month. So I have decided that instead of getting a raddar phone like C168 I will wait till my board exams get over and then I will do loads of Rent A Coder and get a good mobile phone like the Moto RazR or something of that sort.

Friday, September 1

Strange comments from Strangers

If you would look at some of the very old posts of my blog closely you would see that people that I dont even know have left there comments on the blog. There is a shocking similarity that I have found in all of these comments. The comments have come on the following posts -

  1. Another hoo
  2. My Music
  3. What is Google Base?

All these comments seem to be very nice like -

"Great site lots of usefull infomation here"

"Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future."

"Your website has useful information for beginners like me. "

All of these comments seem to be very nice, but one think was very strange. All these comments had links in the end, and the text for the link was ">>" in all of them. The website to which they have linked are -

Which open the same or very similar looking websites. Also, if you view these blogger's profile then you would notice that even though they have been on blogger since July 2006 there profile views are ranging from 1400 to 1600. None of them have put any personal information and when you click on the link for there blog it gives "Error:404" that is "Page not Found".

After seeing this information it is quite obvious that they are bots. But as there blogs are not opening they are totally not trying to earn more moneys on AdSense. There is no other personal information on there profile about there homepage or some email address. They seem to be bots with no purpose. That is very very strange.

Apeejay NOIDA saves Rs.18/-

Today my school Apeejay NOIDA has successfully been able to save Rs.18. We had to got to Mother's Internation School today for there computer symposium "Minet". Like always we left a little late and we were sure that we would reach there in half an hour by taking the DND flyover. But no, our school wanted to save the 18 rupees that they would have spent on DND. So we do not take the DND flyover and go throught the mornal route. It took 2 hours to reach there. We missed the most important event that was Senior Quiz but it was all worth it as the school was able to save 18 bucks. And the thing that pissed me off the most was that when coming back from Minet the driver took us from DND and we reached in 25 minutes. Isn't that just great