Monday, September 11

The Frog and the Nightingale

RTC I. "That's not ................................. can supply"

a) Who is the frog speaking to?

The frog is speaking to the nightingale. The nightingale has impressed and won the hearts of everyone in the Bingle Bog by her melodious voice.

b) What has the listener have to say when the frog said that it is "not too much to boast about"?

The nightingale says that she knows that her songs is not divine but it is original. At this the frog says that bieng original is "not too much to boast about".

c) Why is the frog so heartless?

The frog is very dismissive as he did not want to rival against the nightingale. He wanted to show the nightingale that he was not impressed at all and was highly dismissive.

RTC II. "Dearest frog ............................................... you'll see"

a) What light do these lines throw on the bird's character?

These lines show us that the bird was first startled by the frog's croak, later gets impressed by his boasting and the way he boasted and told her about his famous baritone. The bird got impressed immidiately and said that he was Mozart who had come to Earth in front of her eyes to teach him.

b) What did the frog say to impress the nightingale?

The frog started out by telling the bird about his famous baritone voice. He also said that he used to wirte songs for the "Bog Trumpet" that is an imaginary magazine. When the bird asked the frog for training he asked for some fees not because he wanted the money but because he wanted to prove the authenticity and the quality of his training.

c) Why do you think the frog was charging a fees?

The frog was charging a fee not because he wanted the money but because he wanted to make a tuitions sound more authentic. He only wanted the bird to know that he was a powerful frog that could turn a beginner into a winner

RTC III. "With a .................................................... and bitter"

a) Why is there reference to a titled crowd? What do these names suggest?

The referenced to the names are actually real. The "Duck of Kent" was actually the "Duke of Kent". The "MyLord and MyLady Trent" were "Mallord and Milady Trent" etc. These names are actaully the names of the people who are highly ranked in England. The poet has added theses names to the rhyming shemes, to make the poem more intersesting. Also, it shows that the crowd was rich and elite.

b) Why was the frog's feeling been called both "bitter and sweet"?

The frog was happy that after his training there had been improvements in the performance of the bird. Thus, more people were coming to the show and thus he was getting more money at the ticket counter. The frog was sad as well as he wanted to be the one to be on the stage and be performing. He wanted to be famous thus his feelings were both, "bitter and sweet".

RTC IV. " Every day .................................... last night"

a) What is meant by, "who sold her songs for silver"?

The frog who charged fee realized that she had to pay him back. So, he charged on entry from the animals. This way, he earned money from her show and thus, he "sold her songs for silver".

b) Why does the frog says, "Till your voice, like mine grow stronger"?

The frog was realizing that she was becoming competetion from him and that he has to remove her from his way. So, he keeps the training the bird beyond her limits in harsh conditions. This would make her voice loud and strong. Hence no one would like her anymore.

c) How does the traingin affect the bird?

Due to the the harsh conditions in which the frog trained the bird, she got more sorrowful and pale and tired after each day. That bird one nigh killed hersell by puffing up and bursting a vien.

RTC V. "Now the ............................................... your passion"

a) Why was te frog so angry with the bird?

When the nightingale started singing shrilly, the animals got tired of ther and left. Hence, the money stated to lessen and this made the frog extremely angry.

b) What did he ask tthe nightingale to do?

The forg ordered the nightingale to use her wits and try to do something entertaining for the audience.

c) How did the bird react to this suggestion?

The birdf was trembling and she was terrified. She tried to puff up her wings but she actually burst a vien and died.

RTC VI. "Till the. .................................. no delight"

a) How do these lines serve contaridictory to what the bird fel earlier?

In the beginning of the poem, we see that the bird who was quite unused to the applause she recieved after sining, completely heartbroken and in pain when her voice lost the beauty that it had earlier. Her ears were now addicted to the applause of the audience. This is the contradiction which the poet brings about in his poem.

b) How was the frog affected when the bird's song become so uninspired?

When the beasts grew tired of the nightingale's songs, they stopped coming to see her. As a result, the thicket office crashed and the frog got no money. AS a result he was angry at the the bird as her bad singing hadd affected him financially.

c) What is the significance of te last two lines?

The last two likes are again a contradiction. in the beginning of the poem, the nightingale and was shocked when the whole bog began clapping for her after she finished her song. Before this, she was used to sing to herself and not care about others. Now, the bird feld extremely lonely when she sang to herself. When her voice became shrill. This is the contradiction that the poem that the poet has tried to bring about in the poem.

1 comment:

supreetha said...

nice blog.keep it up.