Class IX: Fundamental Right and Duties
These are my class 9th notes and as the exams are approaching I thought it might be of some use to the ninethees
Q1: Write the significance of fundamental rights and duties?
i) Fundamental right are basic or fundamental rights. every human being has the right to enjoy these rights.
ii) These rights are guaranteed in the constitution. every citizen in a democratic country needs these right in order to grow as a balanced and responsible citizen.
iii) A citizen has the right to go to the court of law if he/she is denied these rights.
Q2: Explain "Right To Equality".
i) EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW- any citizen of India committing crime will be punished according to the law and no one can be discriminated on the basis of caste, race, language, sex or religion.
ii) The state cannot discriminate any one in matters of employment.
iii) Every citizen will be provided equal opportunities and use public facilities like means of transport, parks or places of entertainment.
iv) This right abolishes untouchability.
v) The constitution has abolished titles except military and academic ones.
Q3: "Right to freedom is a cluster of freedoms". Elaborate.
Right to freedom is actually a cluster of the following six freedoms:
i) Right to speech and expression.
ii) Right to assemble peacefully and without arms.
iii) Right to form associations or unions.
iv) The right to move freely throughout the territory of India.
v) The right to reside in and settle in any part of the territory of India.
vi) The right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business.
Q4: What is meant by preventive detention. Explain.
i) Preventive detention means that if the government feels that a person being at liberty is a threat to the law and order or to the unity and integrity of the nation, it can detain that person to prevent him/her from possible harm.
ii) The government can extend the preventive detention for 3 months.
iii) After 3 months such a case is brought before an advisory board for review.
Q5: Mention any two exceptions under right to equality. Do you think they violate the principle of equality?
The right to equality contains some exceptional provisions which are :
i) Reserve posts are provided for schedule castes, schedule tribes and other backward classes.
ii) Special provisions are provided for women and children special provisions under the right to equality are meant to remove the inequalities in the society. These provisions are aimed at bringing the under privileged population at par with the rest of the society. They don't violate or contradict the right to equality.
Q6: Explain right against exploitation. What is the objective behind this right?
i) The right against exploitation abolishes forced or bonded labor. As per constitution no one can be forced to do work without giving him/her salary.
ii) Constitution also abolishes child labor. It forbids the employment of children below 14 years in dangerous jobs like in factories and mines.
Q7: Explain the right to freedom of religion.
i) Right to freedom of religion provides religious freedom to all citizens of India. Citizens are free to practice their respective religions.
ii) All religions are equal before the state and no religion will be given preference over the other.
iii) No state run institution can give religious education.
iv) Religious communities can set up charitable institution of their own.
Q8: Explain cultural and educational rights.
i) Any community, which has language and a script of its own, has the right to conserve and develop them. No citizen can be discriminated against for admission in state run or state aided institution because of religion or language.
ii) All minorities, religious or linguistic, can set up their own educational institutions. In doing so they preserve and develop their culture.
"Right to constitutional remedies is a very special right." Comment,
i) Right to constitutional remedies is a very special right, which protects all other fundamental rights granted by the constitution to all the citizens.
ii) The judiciary acts as a guard against violation of the fundamental rights by the government. Every citizen has the right to go tot the court if his/her rights are taken away or violated.
iii) During emergency this right is suspended by the government
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