Thursday, August 31

First movie

Today was the first time ever in the history of CODE, that we had shot the whole movie in school in one day and the DVD on which we had written it has actually work. Unlike the past experience with movie making this DVD(which again is of a local company) seems to be working just fine. And the competetion is on 7th September so I still have a lot of time left to edit the movie.
I think I will use all the idea that I had had for the the pervious movie. This one is for eSpice that is Delhi Public School NOIDA and the topic of the movie is "A Day in a Geek's Life". We seem to have a pretty good story which I had thought of...Thank You. We shot it in around 4 periods inside the CODE lab only. We played Counter Strike for only 30 minutes(kasam se). I hope this one truns out to be good.


Unknown said...

al d best 4 ur competition in DPS, NOIDA...
n i dnt agree dt u layed CS 4 jst 30 mins...

Prateek Saxena said...

Okay! so it was around 45 minutes