Wednesday, August 16

Hotmail BETA

I finally got a chance to get my hands on the Windows Live Mail also referred to as the Hotmail BETA. It is pretty nice and the loading time is less that that of Yahoo and is less than GmaIl if you have loaded it once before on the computer. But it takes a lot of time to load if it is loading for the first time. You have a choice between three different layouts to chpoose from and also you have the freedom of choosing any color that you like. At first when you think that the website is loaded the screen looks something like this -

But actually a lot is left. So you wait onother 15 minutes and a screen shows up that has recently updated contacts, new mails, amount of space left and an ad of Windows Live on the right side.The inbox is pretty clean too. You have a pane on the top that shows the name, sender and dae of the email and stuff. Similar to outlook. And at the bottom you can actually read the mail. You have buttons for mark as read and stuff like that on the top. On the side there is another frame that allows you to choose stuff like - Mail, Contacts and Calendar and stuff like that.

In the contacts part you can see the names of all your contacts on the left side and on the right side you see there details including the photo.

The calendar part I haven't explored much but looks like this -

And then composing a mail part is pretty good to. It tells you your spelling mistakes exactly like it does in Word. And you can right click on it to see correct spelling suggestions.

Isn't it just great. I love it. I would give it 8.5 out of 10. Keep it up Microsoft. And I totaly appreciate the free 2GB inbox.

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