Wednesday, August 16

I do Dog Trix

Sorry I wasnt blogging for a long time now. It wasn't that I did not have time, the thing was that I could not get myself to sit on one win window and write something. Well I have found some things that I could blog about. So here goes.
I found this site somewhere and found it to be very amusing. It is not very elaborate but is good if you want some fun. The URL is In this a flash movie loads. And then there is a small text box to enter commands. And whatever you write the dog does. Some of the commangs that I tried and worked are -

  • Jump
  • Rollover
  • Stand
  • Lick
  • Bark

If you write something that it does not understand then it gives a witty reply and barks. It is completely useless but is a little bit of fun. So do check it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have a GREAT website!!!