Sunday, September 3

New Search Eninge Stratery!

After changing the URL of my blog from "" to "" I was thinking of adopting a new Search Engine Stratergy. Earlier I used to add my URL to Google, MSN and Yahoo once in a month. Google has last cached me on 21 August and that is really bad. The new idea that I have thought of my might consume an extra 5 minutes after I publish every post but will most probably be worth it. After publishsing each post I will immediatel add there URL's to Google, MSN and Yahoo. Google will crawl the website in one week, MSN will crawl my nlog in a day or two and Yahoo might scheck it out after a month or so. But every single time you search something the chances of my blog coming up will sort of come up. I will try this for around 6 months. If it dos not work out I will change my stratery.

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